Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements

Tell me what you think!


  1. Ms.Terry,
    My name is Adelina Patti and I am an opera singer. I read your blog and I find your work quite interesting. We have many things in common. I couldn’t help but notice that you had a failed marriage. My first husband, Henri de Roger de Cahusac, and I divorced after we both had affairs. He was granted legal separation from me in 1877, but our divorce was final in 1885. I understand your feelings of depression and regret. I read your interview, and I saw that both of your parents were actors. I can relate to that because both of my parents were opera singers. Both of our parents were major influences on the reasons we became interested in our field of art. I also noticed that you had a passion for acting. I can relate to that because I have a passion for singing. Additionally, I read that you came to America with your acting company. I lived in America. We both at some point have experienced the wonderful country.

    Although we have many things in common, I am different from you in many ways. Obviously, you are an actress and I am an opera singer. You are from Britain, and I was born in Spain. However, I moved to New York City when I was five years old. Another reason I am different from you is that when you were a teenager, your sister was a more successful actress than you were. I have siblings as well, however I was always more successful than my two older sisters. I noticed that you were born in 1847. I was born in 1843. I am approximately four years older than you.

    I would like to inform you that I find your work very inspiring. I admire how much passion you have for acting. I support anyone who has passion for art. You also had many leading roles in multiple plays. That is very impressive and shows that you are a very talented performer. Overall, I find you a very inspiring performer.

    I hope to hear from you so we can learn more about each other in the future.


  2. Oh me dear Ellen,
    How happy I am to meet you! Don't worry the pleasure is all mine. We have so many similarities! We are both successful in the Theater, We both were born in the 1800's during the Imperialism Era. We both had mentors, we also both made our first appearance on stage in London.

    We do have some major differences though. Your parents were alive. You have brothers and sisters, I did but they died in youth. Also your parents helped you get into the Theater, while I had to work on my own. While you stayed in London, I traveled the world.

    Oh Ellen lassie, you are like the sister I once had but died. Sorry that was kind of depressing, you won't die on me will you? Well i don't want you to because you are very inspiring, and very talented.

    John Brougham

    1. Oh, John dear! Stop making me turn red, I'm a married woman! I am very happy to meet you also; can't wait to learn more about you!

    2. Married?... Oh of course who wouldn't marry such a marvelous woman? Well I uh... have to go... see you at dinner!

  3. Hello Ellen! I would just like to say I loved reading your interview. It's us actresses who have paved the way for the modern ones today. We have tons of things in common. I also was born in Europe; but I was born in Poland. How were your siblings? I had ten of them, and most of them were also very successful in the arts. I see that your parents were also artist! My father was, my mother wasn't though. I loved my fathers music, and anytime I hear a flute I think of him. Although my family did influence me, my enviorment did also. The war mostly. But it is so intresting to hear about you performing at such an early age! At that age I was only putting on mediocre productions! Reading about your first marriage almost had me sobbing! I can only imagine how hard it must have been. My first marriage was successful but the relationship with my kids father was not. And Im sure I was also gossiped about. Although I never traveled on tour with my siblings Im sure it was...intresting. And I see you are a Shakespeare girl! I was also Lady Macbeth and Ophelia! And its so intresting to hear that you would use past experiences in your work, I also do this. But we'll have to discuss this as well as Stanislovski later. Overall Ms. Terry I think that you are an amazing woman. Hearing about all of your experiences makes me realize how were all very much the same as artists. We all love what we do. I look forward to meeting you in person!

  4. Hello Ellen how are you? As I see you commented on my post and after reading your interview I noticed we both came up from our parents that both were greatly involved in the art, well at least my mother. Like you said earlier we started very young. I also noticed that you toured with your carrier, so did I. I also had many road blocks like you did in your carrier, like having a hard time getting roles in plays. But my hardship was due to my race.

    We have many similarities but also differences. I was born in the United States, you were not. You act for a living while my passion is music. Your mother and father were involved in your acting carrier, but only my father was, which was enough to push me to become a child prodigy.

    I hope to speak to you more in the future and maybe we can have some small talk. You seem like a pleasant person to be with.


  5. Ms. Terry,

    My name is Harriet Beecher Stowe and I am a professional writer and published author. I read your blog and I find your work very interesting. You may haven't noticed, but we have a lot of things in common. I couldn't help but notice that you lived in a home with eleven brothers and sisters. I also have ten other siblings. There are eleven of us total. I read your interview, and I saw that your family was your biggest influence. I can relate to that because my family, my father inpaticular, had a great inpact on my work. i also noticed that your older sister, Kate, helped you to love the art of acting. I can relate to that because my older sister, Catherine, was the founder of Hartfield Female Academy. While I attended school there I was exposed to all sorts of writing genres. While attending there, I developed a great love for poetry. I also read in your interview that you came to America with your acting company. I lived in many parts of America. We have both had a wonderful experience in this country.

    Although we have many things in common, I am different from you in many ways. Obviously, you are an actress and I am a writer. You are from Britain and I am from Conneticut. Another reason I am different from you is that when you were a teenager, your sister was a more successful actress than you were. I also have siblings, as I've stated before, however, I've always been more successful than my siblings, to a certain extent. Yes, my siblings all had careers but they didn't prosper as much as mine did as a writer. I noticed that you were born in 1847. I was born in 1811 which makes me thirty-six years older than you.

    I would just let you know that your work is very inspiring. Your passion for acting is extremely admirable. I find that multiple roles in playes very impressive. Overall, you are a very talented and confident artist and performer. Your talents are amazing. Your work is inspiring!
    Harriet Beecher Stowe

  6. Hello my dear ms. Terry. Its sad to say but you and I have few similarities. I was greatly influenced by my father same as you. We both were also born in the beautiful area of the United Kingdom.

    In your interview, you talked a lot about your mentors. I myself was not as privileged to have as many mentors. I was forced to teach myself almost everything i know about my art.

    Due to your artifacts, i have concluded that you are a beautiful and talented young lady. I look forward to seeing you at the dinned table.
    Edward Elgar.
